Essential Household Tools

A well-stocked toolbox makes life as a homeowner far easier.…

Zillow Short Cut to NAR Settlement

LIGHT MY HAIR ON FIRE NEWS ...... Sellers, do you want your…

Real Estate Escalation Clause

Getting outbid on an offer is one of the most frustrating ex…

HOAs Are Not The Demons – Top 5 Questions To Ask About HOA Fees

A homeowners association (HOA) can offer a number of valuabl…

Improving Your Credit Score for Home Buying

A strong credit score is extremely helpful when applying for…

Qualities That Make A Great Agent

A successful home sale starts with finding the right real es…

Relocating To A New City

1. Do Your Research If you want to relocate but haven’t y…

NAR Settlement: Round-up of My Favorite Sound Bytes

This week's headline news comes from #Fortune, "90% of homeb…

The Importance Of Home Ownership

Homeownership is a major financial and personal accomplishme…

Creative Ways For Buyers To Find Homes

Purchasing a home in the current market conditions feels dif…

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