For someone experienced in the purchase, sale and marketing of a home, selling a home as a FSBO makes good financial sense. On the flip side, for someone who is inexperienced in marketing and real estate, or who is short on time, the FSBO route could cost the seller a great deal of time and money. Making a mistake in pricing, marketing, legal compliance or paperwork can have serious repercussions, both financial and legal.
FSBO listings are more common today than in 2007, thanks to consumer-facing listing platforms such as Zillow and easier access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for non-agents.
FSBO is no walk in the park. A 2020 NAR report found that 8% of homeowners sell their homes without an agent and sell for 26% less than those who use a real estate professional.
Please reach out if you have questions or want to discuss your situation - I'm here to help support you!
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